Appropriate blog posts when you're T-48 hours Stateside? Talk about the things I'm most excited for back in the US. It also takes extra special meaning when I only have a month to enjoy! This post is far from complaints- I really do like it here in Tajikistan- but there are some things you just can't get here!
Food deserves a separate heading because, well, I'm a fat kid. If you're uninterested in reading about what I'll be dining on when I get home, you can also conveniently skip over this section.
1) Portillo's
-I'm sure this comes as no surprise. And really there's not much to be said here.
2) Pizza
3) Deep Dish
4) Spicy giardinaira
-Hordes of it. I will put it on everything. Seriously. Everything.
5) Chipotle
-Extra carnitas, please. Can I get bacon with that too?